Baby Lily came into the world after her mother laboured for ~75 hours.
Liz's contractions initially began at 3am on Friday. She had an appointment at 3pm to check her and the child's health. Both were very healthy and we returned home where Liz continued to labour. She even got a bit of sleep Friday night! Her contractions continued throughout Saturday and became more and more severe with lots of pain in her back. The pain became bad enough to go to the hospital a second time at around midnight on Sunday.
After evaluation by the midwife on call, Liz chose to continue labouring at home. She did not get any productive sleep that night and was very uncomfortable in the morning. Her water broke at around 10am on Sunday and we took a third trip to the hospital; this time staying.
We arrived at the delivery room just before 1pm and Liz spent the next 14.5hrs trying to ease the increasingly severe pain of contractions.
At 3.30am on Monday, Liz began pushing and Lily emerged just after 6am. She shares a birthday with
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and
John Updike.
Lily at ~3min old:
First bath:
Proud (and tired) mommy:
First hug from dad:
Doting grandparents:
New family: